Already Started? Use the buttons below each step to pick up where you left off.
Have you reviewed all the information collected during the consideration and meeting stages, including the impact assessment, stakeholder input, and employee feedback?
Have you considered whether the request can be accommodated in full, partially, or if it cannot be accommodated?
Have you made a final decision regarding the request and determined any necessary adjustments or conditions?
Have you prepared a formal communication to the employee detailing the decision and any next steps?
Have you scheduled a follow-up meeting with the employee to discuss the decision, address any questions, and clarify the implementation process if approved?
Have you updated the relevant HR records and systems to reflect the decision and any changes to the employee’s working arrangements?
Already Started? Use the buttons below each step to pick up where you left off.
Have you reviewed all the information collected during the consideration and meeting stages, including the impact assessment, stakeholder input, and employee feedback?
Have you considered whether the request can be accommodated in full, partially, or if it cannot be accommodated?
Have you made a final decision regarding the request and determined any necessary adjustments or conditions?
Have you prepared a formal communication to the employee detailing the decision and any next steps?
Have you scheduled a follow-up meeting with the employee to discuss the decision, address any questions, and clarify the implementation process if approved?
Have you updated the relevant HR records and systems to reflect the decision and any changes to the employee’s working arrangements?