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Stage 1 handles the timely reporting and accurate recording of absences, ensuring they follow company policy and prompt action is taken.
Stage 2 ensures effective communication and monitoring during the employee's absence, keeping them informed and supported while managing any necessary follow-ups.
Stage 3 involves planning the employee’s return to work, ensuring a smooth transition back into their role and addressing any necessary adjustments or accommodations.
Stage 4 ensures the correct documentation and record keeping procedures are being followed.
Already Started? Use the buttons below each stage to skip to where you left off.
Stage 1 handles the timely reporting and accurate recording of absences, ensuring they follow company policy and prompt action is taken.
Stage 2 ensures effective communication and monitoring during the employee's absence, keeping them informed and supported while managing any necessary follow-ups.
Stage 3 involves planning the employee’s return to work, ensuring a smooth transition back into their role and addressing any necessary adjustments or accommodations.
Stage 4 ensures the correct documentation and record keeping procedures are being followed.