Already Started? Use the buttons below each step to pick up where you left off.
Have all applications been received and logged into the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?
Have you reviewed each application against the job description and essential qualifications?
Have you created a shortlist of candidates who meet the essential criteria for the role?
Have you contacted shortlisted candidates to inform them of their progression to the next stage?
Have you reviewed and proofread the job advertisement for accuracy and clarity?
Already Started? Use the buttons below each step to pick up where you left off.
Have all applications been received and logged into the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?
Have you reviewed each application against the job description and essential qualifications?
Have you created a shortlist of candidates who meet the essential criteria for the role?
Have you contacted shortlisted candidates to inform them of their progression to the next stage?
Have you communicated with unsuccessful candidates and provided feedback or next steps (if applicable)?