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Managing Repeated Absences

Step 1.3:

A formal approach requires an initial investigation before determining if disciplinary action is necessary.

Step Details


The evidence for the investigation is already on file. For repeated absences, use the historical Return to Work (RTW) records. Review these and the documented discussions to identify clear patterns.


Use the attached Absence Summary Document to provide a comprehensive view of the recorded absences, and invite the employee to a formal meeting to discuss the matter.

Managing Repeated Absences

Step 1.3:

A formal approach requires an initial investigation before determining if disciplinary action is necessary.

Step Details


The evidence for the investigation is already on file. For repeated absences, use the historical Return to Work (RTW) records. Review these and the documented discussions to identify clear patterns.


Use the attached Absence Summary Document to provide a comprehensive view of the recorded absences, and invite the employee to a formal meeting to discuss the matter.