Managing Repeated Absences



Managing repeated absences requires a balanced and structured approach. Here’s how we can handle it effectively:

Track attendance:

Document absences and identify any patterns.

Communicate early:

Hold a Return to Work meeting to understand the reasons behind the absences, addressing any personal or health issues.

Remind of company policy:

Reinforce the importance of reliable attendance and the company’s policy.

Offer support:

Consider adjustments, like flexible hours or counselling, if the absences are due to health or personal issues.

Set expectations:

Clearly outline future attendance expectations and potential consequences if absences continue.

Follow up:

Monitor progress with regular check-ins and offer ongoing support if necessary.

Take further action:

If the issue persists, proceed with formal steps, such as warnings or disciplinary action, while maintaining fairness.

Balancing understanding with action can help improve attendance and create a supportive work environment.

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Managing Repeated Absences



Managing repeated absences requires a balanced and structured approach. Here’s how we can handle it effectively:

Track attendance:

Document absences and identify any patterns.

Communicate early:

Hold a Return to Work meeting to understand the reasons behind the absences, addressing any personal or health issues.

Remind of company policy:

Reinforce the importance of reliable attendance and the company’s policy.

Offer support:

Consider adjustments, like flexible hours or counselling, if the absences are due to health or personal issues.

Set expectations:

Clearly outline future attendance expectations and potential consequences if absences continue.

Follow up:

Monitor progress with regular check-ins and offer ongoing support if necessary.

Take further action:

If the issue persists, proceed with formal steps, such as warnings or disciplinary action, while maintaining fairness.

Balancing understanding with action can help improve attendance and create a supportive work environment.