Already Started? Use the buttons below each step to pick up where you left off.
Has the employee provided a return-to-work notice or fit note from their healthcare provider?
Has a return-to-work meeting been scheduled with the employee?
Has the return-to-work meeting been conducted?
Have any necessary adjustments or accommodations been arranged based on the meeting?
Is there a follow-up plan in place to monitor the employee’s reintegration?
Has the employee’s return-to-work and any adjustments been documented?
Already Started? Use the buttons below each step to pick up where you left off.
Has the employee provided a return-to-work notice or fit note from their healthcare provider?
Has a return-to-work meeting been scheduled with the employee?
Has the return-to-work meeting been conducted?
Have any necessary adjustments or accommodations been arranged based on the meeting?
Is there a follow-up plan in place to monitor the employee’s reintegration?
Has the employee’s return-to-work and any adjustments been documented?