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Escalation & Further Investigation

Step 2.3:

Prepare for potential disciplinarily action.

Step Details


If the employee remains unresponsive and the absence is still unexplained, preparation for disciplinary proceedings must begin. This could involve convening a disciplinary hearing, notifying the employee, and gathering necessary documentation.


Notify the employee formally that they are now subject to disciplinary action due to their unauthorized absence and non-response.

A template is provided for you below.

Escalation & Further Investigation

Step 2.3:

Prepare for potential disciplinarily action.


Step Details


If the employee remains unresponsive and the absence is still unexplained, preparation for disciplinary proceedings must begin. This could involve convening a disciplinary hearing, notifying the employee, and gathering necessary documentation.


Notify the employee formally that they are now subject to disciplinary action due to their unauthorized absence and non-response.

A template is provided for you below.