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Escalation & Further Investigation

Step 2.2:

Follow-up AWOL notification, 5 days after the initial Formal AWOL Notification.

Step Details


If the employee does not respond to the formal AWOL notification, a follow-up must be conducted within the time frame provided in the initial communication.


Set a reminder to follow up on the AWOL notification after the specified period (typically 3-5 working days). If no response is received, send a follow-up.

A template is provided for you below.

Escalation & Further Investigation

Step 2.2:

Review your employee’s attendance, communication records, and formalize the AWOL absence.


Step Details


If the employee does not respond to the formal AWOL notification, a follow-up must be conducted within the time frame provided in the initial communication.


Set a reminder to follow up on the AWOL notification after the specified period (typically 3-5 working days). If no response is received, send a follow-up.

A template is provided for you below.