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Identifying & Addressing Underperformance

Step 2.4:

Schedule an initial discussion with the employee to address their performance.

Step Details


It is now important to schedule a formal conversation with the employee. The discussion should occur in a private and confidential setting.


Prepare to present your documented examples and feedback, outlining how their performance has impacted both the team and the business. Approach the conversation with empathy and focus on problem-solving.

Identifying & Addressing Underperformance

Step 2.4:

Schedule an initial discussion with the employee to address their performance.

Step Details


It is now important to schedule a formal conversation with the employee. The discussion should occur in a private and confidential setting.


Prepare to present your documented examples and feedback, outlining how their performance has impacted both the team and the business. Approach the conversation with empathy and focus on problem-solving.