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Step 1.1:

Hold an initial documented discussion with the accused.

Step Details


Meet with the employee: Hold a private meeting to explain that a serious issue has been raised and that suspension is being considered to allow for an investigation.

Keep it neutral: Avoid making any conclusions about guilt or wrongdoing at this stage.


Adjourn the meeting at the appropriate time to make a final decision on suspension or non-suspension.

If no suspension is required, document this in your recorded discussion notes.


Step 1.1:

Hold an initial documented discussion with the accused.

Step Details


Meet with the employee:

Hold a private meeting to explain that a serious issue has been raised and that suspension is being considered to allow for an investigation.

Keep it neutral:

Avoid making any conclusions about guilt or wrongdoing at this stage.


Adjourn the meeting at the appropriate time to make a final decision on suspension or non-suspension.

If no suspension is required, document this in your recorded discussion notes.